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EB Assist ADTF – Version 3.3.0 released

Minor version of EB Assist ADTF 3.3.0 has been released

Main features of this version:

EB Assist ADTF 3.3.0

  • Increased usability
  • Record Dialog within ADTF GUI Control
  • Headless ADTFDAT Processing (former known as DAT Exporter)
  • Profiling support
  • ADTF System Monitor (former known as Kernel Information View, Resource View)
  • Merge and Post Build Support for Plugin Descriptions
  • Headless Header to/from DDL converter
  • Example for communication to/from non ADTF system
  • Default template for new projects

Important: existing toolboxes are not compatible with EB Assist ADTF 3.3.0

EB Assist ADTF Display Toolbox 3.1.0

  • Availability for EB Assist ADTF 3.3.0
  • Minor bug fixes

EB Assist ADTF 3.3.0 is available on the EB Command server.
